In these difficult times, with little or no possibility to hold live seminars, many companies and institutions offer various forms of online training. Dates of online training sessions may not always suit everyone, so recordings of these events are often posted additionally on the Internet, or a number of pre-prepared tutorials on selected topics are offered. In this article, we would like to present an overview of training sessions for how to use selected e-resources and databases.
Let’s start off with a couple of useful tips:
- An overview of databases subscribed by VŠB-TUO is available on the Central Library website. They can be sorted alphabetically, thematically or by type.
- All registered library users, VŠB-TUO employees and students have access to these resources from anywhere on the Internet – see Remote Access to E-Resources.
- Information leaflets on E-Resources and EBSCO Discovery Service are available in the university repository DSpace (leaflets are only in Czech).
- Let us know if you have any question or problem – contact us at knihovna@vsb.cz or use this form.
- Follow us on Facebook, Instagram or Blog.
The following overview contains links to tutorials that serve as guides for using databases to which users from VŠB-TUO have access.
ACM Digital Library
American Physical Society
EBSCO eBooks
IEEE Xplore
IGI Global
OECD iLibrary
ProQuest Central
ProQuest Ebook Central
- Ebook Central Overview and Searching
- Ebook Central Online Reader and Productivity Tools
- ProQuest Ebook Central: Full Download (LibGuide)
- List of tutorials on the producer’s website
- Scopus Tutorials on YouTube
- Scopus Support Center (Instructions for solving the most common problems and questions)
Web of Science and InCites
Wiley Online Library